Vendors Support Luna Garden’s Mission
Many events are free and open to the public at Luna Gardens, and subsidized through the sales of booth spaces to the vendors. We understand it may be difficult for smaller operations to pay the fee, however, without vendor support Luna Gardens could not exist. We appreciate each and every vendor that is able to participate.
Event location & hours of operation:
Events are held at Luna Gardens, 500 FM 627, Lockhart Texas 78644. Vendors must be in operation during all event hours. Please refer to the event details for load-in, operational and load-out times.
Vendors may typically begin to set up the day of the event at 10:00 AM and must conclude setup by the start of an event unless otherwise arranged with Luna Gardens. Load out of vendors shall be immediately after the event and no earlier. If you need to make special arrangements you may email , or call 512-546-7733.
Vendor booth space
Booth space is limited, so please reserve your space early. Booths spaces will be filled on a first-paid/first-reserved basis. Standard booth sizes are 10×10, and double sizes spaces of 10×20 are available. Specific prices for booths depend on the event and expected turnout. Please refer to the event sign-up sheet for event specific pricing. All fees must be paid in advance. No space will be guaranteed without payment at least 1 week prior to the event. Electrical outlets may be requested and are on a first come first served basis. There may be an additional charge for electrical outlets. Luna Gardens reserves the right to decline an application at its sole discretion. A map of the event space with locations for vendor booths is available here.
Event Attendance / Refunds
Attendance & ticket sales are not guaranteed for any event. Luna gardens, its associates or event coordinators shall not be bound to any minimum attendance or sales figures. Events may be cancelled due to poor ticket sales. In the event an event is cancelled, vendors shall receive a full refund of all space reservation fees.
No weapons, guns, knives, fireworks, pornographic material, drug related paraphernalia or related graphic tees, live animals, or games of chance (including raffles, BINGO, and other games that may be considered gambling by the state of Texas) will be allowed. Violators will be subject to removal from the event and all future events with no refund of fees.
No security will be provided prior to, during, or after the event. Luna Gardens will not be held responsible for lost or stolen items.
Rain policy
Events will continue rain or shine with no refund of fees, unless the roads and parking areas are impassable. Luna Gardens makes no promises that electricity will be available during rain. If the event is cancelled, either before or during the scheduled hours, vendors will be permitted to leave only if deemed safe by the staff of Luna Gardens and the event coordinators.
Sales & Use Tax ID, and Licenses
All vendors are responsible for all appropriate licenses and permits to sell, or otherwise perform commerce at the event. Vendors are responsible for collecting and reporting sales tax where applicable. Vendors must submit a copy of their applicable licenses and sales & use tax permit and it must be visibly displayed in your booth during festival hours. Vendors may email copies of their licenses and sales & use tax permit to Luna Gardens will not be held responsible for any tax or license violations by vendors at the event.
Fire & Life Safety Code Requirements
In accordance with Fire & Life Safety Code compliance, the following are minimum requirements that must be met to assure the safety for all persons attending the event;
Booths must be constructed of non-combustible/non-flammable coverings and/or decorative materials without exception. Canvas tops must be fire retardant and a copy of certificate indicating fire retardant treatment shall be presented upon inspection. Plastic covering used for weather protection or required by the Health Inspector shall meet the same requirements as canvas tops. Coverings for booths may not be secured with nails or staples over exposed electrical wiring.
Portable and/or fixed wiring lighting devices must be a safe distance from any booth decorations. Non-combustible materials are to be used for decorations. Flame retardant treated materials are preferred. Items that are highly combustible, such as straw or hay are prohibited.
An approved fire extinguisher with a minimum classification rating of 3A:40BC (5lb) must be provided for each booth that serves food prepared in appliances used primarily for warming. Booths that prepared food on any open-flame appliances must have at least one portable fire extinguisher with a minimum classification rating of 4A:80BC (10lb). All booths must have a fire extinguisher. Each portable fire extinguisher shall have an inspection tag attached showing previous inspection conducted by a licensed company within the last 12 months.
Non-open-flame cooking devices (roasters, warmers, etc..) must have full size non-combustible metal lids with handles that completely cover the appliance. Any solid-fuel burning device shall also have a lid that completely covers the entire cooking surface.
UL approved flexible extension cords may not exceed 20 feet in length and must be in safe condition. Power strips and other multi-outlet adapters must be equipped with circuit overload protection.
Open-flamed cooking appliances using LP gas must be in good working order. Pressure regulators must be securely connected directly to cylinder valves. Only approved LP gas hose of 125 PSI or greater is allowed. No flexible or natural gas piping will be allowed. Containers may not exceed 100-lb/25gallon water capacity. Cylinders must be secured in place with rope, chain, or metal straps. Cylinders or containers may not be located closer than 10 feed to any permanent building.
Flammable liquids (stove fuel, charcoal starter fluid, kerosene, etc..) must be stored in approved safety cans, without exceptions.
Food safety regulations shall be abided by at all times, and appropriate hand washing stations shall be utilized by any vendor selling food items prepared on site and not already contained in food safe vessels (i.e. sealed jars or bags) prior to the event.
Luna Gardens, its owners and affiliates shall be held harmless from all liability arising from any vendor actions, force majeure, attendees of the event, or any other reason.